Home Studio
Danica’s glass creations are individually crafted using a centuries-old process called “lampworking”, “flameworking” or “glassblowing”. Rods of Moretti Italian glass “Effetre”, are melted with a special torch and the molten glass is then wound around a steel rod for a bead or gathered on the end of a blowpipe, creating unique and one of a kind glass art. Some creations are embellished with sterling silver threads or foil, while others are etched for a matte finish. Every piece is annealed in a kiln for strength and durability.
Torch, Ventilation and Kilns
Danica’s latest torch is a Bethlehem Bravo. The Bravo has an amazing range of flame sizes with an inner and outer torch setting. It runs off of oxygen and propane, mixing them perfectly to melt the glass without burning. She began with a small Hothead torch which ran off of Mapp gas and quickly jumped to a Minor Bench Burner which satisfied her for years. For demonstrations, she will still bring out the Hothead for quick and easy setups! Her ventilation system is an extremely important component, running up to 720 CFM’s, safety first!
Tools and Glass
The joys and success of a flame worker go hand in hand with the tools used for creation. They too, are works of art that allow the “magic” to happen! The majority of tools in Danica’s studio come from the world famous Carlo Dona studio, on Murano Island, in Italy. The tools are hand crafted specifically for flame working and renowned as the best in the world.
“Softglass” is known for the wide range of vibrant colors. The most common being Effetre from Murano, Italy. Softglass softens at 1050 degrees and it’s working temperature is 1400 degrees. It is also compatible with sterling silver, which when incorporated, can create amazing effects!